EnOcean Link
Middleware to Connect EnOcean easily to other Projects
eoReCom Class Reference

Remote Commissioning interface class. More...

#include <eoReCom.h>

Public Member Functions

 eoReCom (eoGateway *gateway)
bool GetShallBeRepeated () const
void SetShallBeRepeated (bool repeat)
bool GetKeyToUse () const
void SetKeyToUse (uint8_t key)
eoReturn GetMetadata (uint32_t destinationID)
eoReturn ParseGetMetadataResponse (QUERY_METADATA_RESPONSE &response) const
eoReturn GetLinkTable (QUERY_LINK_TABLE const &query, uint32_t const destinationID)
eoReturn ParseGetLinkTableResponse (std::vector< LINK_TABLE > &response, RECOM_TABLE_DIR &tableDir) const
eoReturn SetLinkTable (std::vector< LINK_TABLE > const &query, RECOM_TABLE_DIR tableDir, uint32_t destinationID)
eoReturn GetGPLinkTable (GP_LINK_TABLE const &query, uint32_t destinationID)
eoReturn ParseGetGPLinkTableResponse (GP_LINK_TABLE &query) const
eoReturn SetGPLinkTable (GP_LINK_TABLE const &query, uint32_t destinationID)
eoReturn RemoteSetLearnMode (QUERY_SET_LEARN_MODE const &learnMode, uint32_t destinationID)
eoReturn TriggerOutboundTeachRequest (uint8_t channel, uint32_t destinationID)
eoReturn GetDeviceConfig (QUERY_DEVICE_CONFIG const &deviceConf, uint32_t destinationID)
eoReturn ParseDeviceConfigResponse (std::vector< DEVICE_CONFIG > &deviceConf) const
eoReturn SetDeviceConfig (std::vector< DEVICE_CONFIG > const &deviceConf, uint32_t destinationID)
eoReturn GetLinkBasedConfig (QUERY_LINK_BASED_CONFIG const &linkConfig, uint32_t destinationID)
eoReturn SetLinkBasedConfig (std::vector< LINK_BASED_CONFIG > const &linkConfig, uint32_t destinationID)
eoReturn ParseLinkBasedConfigResponse (std::vector< LINK_BASED_CONFIG > &linkConfig) const
eoReturn ApplyChanges (QUERY_APPLY_CHANGES const &changes, uint32_t destinationID)
eoReturn ResetDefaults (QUERY_RESET_DEFAULTS const &defaults, uint32_t destinationID)
eoReturn RadioLinkTest (QUERY_RADIO_LINK_TEST const &radioLink, uint32_t destinationID)
eoReturn GetProductID (uint32_t destinationID=BROADCAST_ID)
eoReturn ParseGetProductIDResponse (QUERY_PRODUCT_ID_RESPONSE &response) const
eoReturn GetRepeater (uint32_t destinationID)
eoReturn ParseGetRepeaterResponse (REPEATER_FUNCTIONS &response) const
eoReturn SetRepeater (REPEATER_FUNCTIONS const &repeaterFunc, uint32_t destinationID)
eoReturn SetRepeaterFilter (QUERY_SET_REPEATER_FILTER const &repeaterFunc, uint32_t destinationID)

Detailed Description

Remote Commissioning interface class.

This helper class, allows sending and parsing of different Remote Commissioning commands. The command parameter are wrapped in different parameter helper structs. For a detailed explanation of remote commissioning please consult the ReCom Spec.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ eoReCom()

eoReCom::eoReCom ( eoGateway gateway)


gatewayeoGateway to be used for remote commissioning.

Member Function Documentation

◆ ApplyChanges()

eoReturn eoReCom::ApplyChanges ( QUERY_APPLY_CHANGES const &  changes,
uint32_t  destinationID 

Apply changes command. Unicast: yes Broadcast: no Command has paired response: no

changesQUERY_APPLY_CHANGES structure
destinationIDThe device ID of the end device

◆ GetDeviceConfig()

eoReturn eoReCom::GetDeviceConfig ( QUERY_DEVICE_CONFIG const &  deviceConf,
uint32_t  destinationID 

Get device configuration query. Unicast: yes Broadcast: no Command has paired response: yes

deviceConfdevice configuration query arguments
destinationIDThe device ID of the end device

◆ GetGPLinkTable()

eoReturn eoReCom::GetGPLinkTable ( GP_LINK_TABLE const &  query,
uint32_t  destinationID 

Get GP Link table command. Unicast: yes Broadcast: no Device response to command: yes

destinationIDID of the recom device to modify

◆ GetKeyToUse()

bool eoReCom::GetKeyToUse ( ) const

If greater 0, use the key x to encrypt

◆ GetLinkBasedConfig()

eoReturn eoReCom::GetLinkBasedConfig ( QUERY_LINK_BASED_CONFIG const &  linkConfig,
uint32_t  destinationID 

Get link based configuration query. Unicast: yes Broadcast: no Command has paired response: yes

linkConfigQUERY_LINK_BASED_CONFIG structure
destinationIDThe device ID of the end device

◆ GetLinkTable()

eoReturn eoReCom::GetLinkTable ( QUERY_LINK_TABLE const &  query,
uint32_t const  destinationID 

Get link table command. Unicast: yes Broadcast: no Command has paired response: yes

queryQUERY_LINK_TABLE structure
destinationIDThe device ID of the end device

◆ GetMetadata()

eoReturn eoReCom::GetMetadata ( uint32_t  destinationID)

Get link table metadata command. Unicast: yes Broadcast: no Command has paired response: yes

destinationIDThe device ID of the end device

◆ GetProductID()

eoReturn eoReCom::GetProductID ( uint32_t  destinationID = BROADCAST_ID)

Get prodcut ID. Unicast: yes Broadcast: yes Command has paired response: yes

destinationIDThe device ID of the end device

◆ GetRepeater()

eoReturn eoReCom::GetRepeater ( uint32_t  destinationID)

Get repeater functions query. Unicast: yes Broadcast: no Command has paired response: yes

To stop the beaconing of the Get Product ID Response, an addressed reman message needs to be send.
destinationIDThe device ID of the end device

◆ GetShallBeRepeated()

bool eoReCom::GetShallBeRepeated ( ) const

If true the send telegrams are set in such a state that they can be repeated

◆ ParseDeviceConfigResponse()

eoReturn eoReCom::ParseDeviceConfigResponse ( std::vector< DEVICE_CONFIG > &  deviceConf) const

Parses the device config response

deviceConfvector to store the response, new elements will be pushed to the back of the vector

◆ ParseGetGPLinkTableResponse()

eoReturn eoReCom::ParseGetGPLinkTableResponse ( GP_LINK_TABLE query) const

Parses the GP Link table response

queryresponse parsed
the data array inside of the query, will be deleted and a new block of memory will be allocated!

◆ ParseGetLinkTableResponse()

eoReturn eoReCom::ParseGetLinkTableResponse ( std::vector< LINK_TABLE > &  response,
) const

With this command the actor parse the remote commission message into a LINK_TABLE structure. Unicast: yes Broadcast: no Command has paired response: yes

[out]responseLink Table response will be added to this pointer
[out]tableDirThe table direction of the returned entries

◆ ParseGetMetadataResponse()

eoReturn eoReCom::ParseGetMetadataResponse ( QUERY_METADATA_RESPONSE response) const

With this command the actor parse the remote commission message into a QUERY_METADATA_RESPONSE structure. Unicast: yes Broadcast: no Command has paired response: yes

[out]responseMetadata response

◆ ParseGetProductIDResponse()

eoReturn eoReCom::ParseGetProductIDResponse ( QUERY_PRODUCT_ID_RESPONSE response) const

With this command the actor parse the remote commission message into a QUERY_PRODUCT_ID_RESPONSE structure. Unicast: yes Broadcast: yes Command has paired response: yes

After sending a productID Request, each ReCom device sends ProductID Response in beaconing mode, until an addressed reman answer has been sent.
[out]responseQUERY_PRODUCT_ID_RESPONSE structure

◆ ParseGetRepeaterResponse()

eoReturn eoReCom::ParseGetRepeaterResponse ( REPEATER_FUNCTIONS &  response) const

With this command the actor parse the remote commission message into a REPEATER_FUNCTIONS structure. Unicast: yes Broadcast: no Command has paired response: yes

[out]responseREPEATER_FUNCTIONS structure

◆ ParseLinkBasedConfigResponse()

eoReturn eoReCom::ParseLinkBasedConfigResponse ( std::vector< LINK_BASED_CONFIG > &  linkConfig) const

Parses the device config response

linkConfigvector to store the response, new elements will be pushed to the back of the vector

◆ RadioLinkTest()

eoReturn eoReCom::RadioLinkTest ( QUERY_RADIO_LINK_TEST const &  radioLink,
uint32_t  destinationID 

Radio link test control. Unicast: yes Broadcast: no Command has paired response: yes

radioLinkQUERY_RADIO_LINK_TEST structure
destinationIDThe device ID of the end device

◆ RemoteSetLearnMode()

eoReturn eoReCom::RemoteSetLearnMode ( QUERY_SET_LEARN_MODE const &  learnMode,
uint32_t  destinationID 

Remote set learn mode. Unicast: yes Broadcast: yes Command has paired response: no

learnModeDevice learn mode
destinationIDThe device ID of the end device

◆ ResetDefaults()

eoReturn eoReCom::ResetDefaults ( QUERY_RESET_DEFAULTS const &  defaults,
uint32_t  destinationID 

Reset to defaults. Unicast: yes Broadcast: yes Command has paired response: no

defaultsQUERY_RESET_DEFAULTS structure
destinationIDThe device ID of the end device

◆ SetDeviceConfig()

eoReturn eoReCom::SetDeviceConfig ( std::vector< DEVICE_CONFIG > const &  deviceConf,
uint32_t  destinationID 

Set device configuration. Unicast: yes Broadcast: no Command has paired response: no

deviceConflist of config parameters
destinationIDdevice ID

◆ SetGPLinkTable()

eoReturn eoReCom::SetGPLinkTable ( GP_LINK_TABLE const &  query,
uint32_t  destinationID 

Set link table content command. Unicast: yes Broadcast: yes Command has paired response: no


◆ SetKeyToUse()

void eoReCom::SetKeyToUse ( uint8_t  key)
ifgreater 0, use the key x to encrypt

◆ SetLinkBasedConfig()

eoReturn eoReCom::SetLinkBasedConfig ( std::vector< LINK_BASED_CONFIG > const &  linkConfig,
uint32_t  destinationID 

Set Link based configuration query Unicast: yes Broadcast: no

linkConfigvector containing the parameters
Warning the direction and table index will be taken from the first entry, entries which have a different direction or table index will be skipped!

◆ SetLinkTable()

eoReturn eoReCom::SetLinkTable ( std::vector< LINK_TABLE > const &  query,
uint32_t  destinationID 

Set link table content command. Unicast: yes Broadcast: yes Command has paired response: yes

queryLINK_TABLE structures in a vector.
tableDirThe table direction of the entries
destinationIDThe device ID of the end device

◆ SetRepeater()

eoReturn eoReCom::SetRepeater ( REPEATER_FUNCTIONS const &  repeaterFunc,
uint32_t  destinationID 

Set repeater function. Unicast: yes Broadcast: no Command has paired response: no

repeaterFuncparamters to set
destinationIDThe device ID of the end device

◆ SetRepeaterFilter()

eoReturn eoReCom::SetRepeaterFilter ( QUERY_SET_REPEATER_FILTER const &  repeaterFunc,
uint32_t  destinationID 

Set repeater function. Unicast: yes Broadcast: no Command has paired response: no

repeaterFuncfilter to set
destinationIDThe device ID of the end device

◆ SetShallBeRepeated()

void eoReCom::SetShallBeRepeated ( bool  repeat)
repeat= if true, the send telegrams can be repeated

◆ TriggerOutboundTeachRequest()

eoReturn eoReCom::TriggerOutboundTeachRequest ( uint8_t  channel,
uint32_t  destinationID 

Trigger outbound remote teach request. Unicast: yes Broadcast: no Command has paired response: yes

channelChannel selection
destinationIDThe device ID of the end device