Due to the changed Dolphin platform V4 in comparison to V1.3 there are some differences in the DolphinV4API:
- Sending radio telegrams in ulp applications
The functions radio_ulpSendTelegram and radio_ulpSend3SubTels will be replaced by radio_sendTelegram which should be used in ulp and non ulp applications.
- ISR functions
ISR functions changed due to completely different ISR structure. For further information read isr functions.
- memory functions
Flash memory is 512 Byte orientated. Address needs to be 4 byte alligned. For further information read mem functions.
- Security functions
RLC is removed from SECU_TYPE structure to enable SECU_TYPE data in flash memory. In all security functions RLC is now extra parameter.
Steps to consider when converting V1.3 project to V4 project:
- use Evatronics R8051XC2 (2DPTR) device with 64 kB Flash memory and On-chip arithmetic unit as Target device in KEIL Project settings
- change all cfg area accesses to new Memory architecture (CFG, SWI, MOD)
- Some parameters of the functions listed above have changed
- you can leave all ERP1 telegram structures unchanged, because the ERP1 functions radio_getTelegram and radio_sendTelegram will convert the telegram from/to ERP2
- use DolphinV4Suite and eopx2 instead of Dolhin Studio and eopx. For further information read Setting up Keil uVision for DolphinV4 Suite DolphinV4APIConfigurator and EOPX2
- rebuild all configuration files with DolphinV4 Suite API Configurator (EO3100I_cfg.h, EO3100I_cfg.c). See DolphinV4 API Initialization
- use EO3100I_API-ERP2.lib instead of EO3000I_API.lib
- remove all V1.3 radio settings files from your project. Radio settings are stored in DolphinV4 in the MOD_AREA by EnOcean.
- review time critical code because CPU is 4 times faster