DolphinV4 API
This chapter describes how to integrate DolphinV4 Suite DolphinV4APIConfigurator and EOPX2 into Keil uVision effectively.
Three basic adjustments are required:
DolphinV4 Suite DolphinV4APIConfigurator is a application GUI that helps you to generate C and assembler code. The C code, generated and packed into the EO3100I_CFG.h and EO3100I_CFG.c files, is in charge of the chip peripheral initialisation as well as API module and I/O configuration. The assembler code generated by DolphinV4 Suite DolphinV4APIConfigurator is stored in the STARTUP.asm, which is in charge of the chip start up sequence.
The DolphinV4 Suite DolphinV4APIConfigurator configuration will be stored in the Keil project folder (\Profiles) for a later use.
Do the following steps to start the DolphinV4 Suite DolphinV4APIConfigurator GUI within the Keil uVision environment:
Notice that the Profiles combo box includes only the default Template profile. Also the Project directory in Generate EO3100I_CFG page is already set to your Keil project directory.
In order to use the EOPX2 postbuild script tool the following settings have to be set in Keil uVision:
After the Build/Rebuild process was successful, the EOPX2 post-build tools are executed automatically. The EOPX2 script performs these postbuild tasks.
Run #1:
EOPX2.exe -fprg "#H" -fcfg "$H@H_cfg.hex" -script "$Ppostbuild.txt"
Add new file "postbuild.txt" to your Keil project as shown on following figure:
In order to use the EOPX2 Programmer to download hex files to your chip after compiling, following has to be set in Keil uVision:
-fprg "#H" -fcfg "$H@H_cfg.hex" -write
uVision replaces "#H" by the output .hex file path (C:\MyProject\Output\sample.hex)
"$H@H_cfg.hex" is replaced by configuration area file path (C:\MyProject\Output\sample_cfg.hex)
If you use the the setBist with [first_data_obj] parameter, the -fmap switch needs to be specified.
-fmap "$H@H.m51" -write