DolphinV4 API
Ultra Low Power Timers

There are 3 ULP timers in the Dolphin system as shown in the table below.

TimerName TimerEnum Clock Source Width Minimum-period (One-tick) Maximum-period Typical uncalibrated error Description of the timer and usage
Watchdog Timer WATCHDOG_TIMER 100Hz intern WRCO 24 bit 10 ms 16 777 215 = 46.6 hours 40%

This timer always runs (can't be disabled). A counter underflow causes a WatchdogReset in any Sleep Modes (or in CPU mode). The counter counts down.

Flywheel Timer FLYWHEEL_TIMER 32.768 kHz extern Wristwatch XTAL (WXTAL) 24 bit ~1 ms (1/1024s) 16 777 215 = ~4.6 hours delta fWXO, ca. 0.01%

Can be enabled/disabled. Needs an external wrist-watch XTAL and the #WXID_IO and #WXOD_IO pins configured as WXTAL (DolphinV4 API Configurator). If enabled and CPU is in sleep (pwr_timerSleep), a counter overflow results in a FlywheelReset. The counter counts up.

ShortTerm Timer SHORT_TERM_TIMER 100kHz intern SRCO 16 bit 10 us 65 535 = 0.6 seconds 35%

Can be enabled/disabled. If enabled and CPU is in sleep (pwr_timerSleep), a counter overflow results in a CPU wake-up. The CPU will continue the program execution. The counter counts down.

All the ultra low power timers can be used

Upon a PowerOnReset, PinReset the ULP timers are put to initial state. This is the following:
  • Watchdog period is set to 0xFFFFFF and enable
  • Flywheel timer is disabled
  • ShortTerm timer is disabled
Each timer has a certain error (see References Dolphin User Manual). To reduce this error the timers are calibrated during module production. For further information please. read Calibration of the timers
The Flywheel wristwatch crystal clock frequency (see the recommended type in the data sheet) is 32.768 kHz. Thus 1 Flywheel period is not exactly 1ms but 1/1024s = 0,9765625ms. That's why all the time informations in this manual are for the flywheel timer showed as an approximate value with ~. Using the calibration value from the configuration area this error can be corrected.