DolphinV4 API
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
oCEXT_TEL_PARAM_TYPEExtended Telegram parameter structure
oCLEARN_RESULTSmart acknowledge learn result structure. It is used to Controller to evalute learn result
oCMAILBOX_FLASHStrucutre for memory occupied by MailBoxes in flash
oCMAILBOX_XRAMStrucutre for memory occupied by MailBox in xram
oCMESSAGE_PARAMMessage Module Parameters
oCMOD_AREAModule Area structure. For more information read chapter Module configuration area (MOD)
|oCraw_mod_areaArray represantation of the module area
|\CvalValues stored in the module area
oCPACKET_SERIAL_TYPEPacket structure (ESP3)
oCRADIO_BUFFER_TYPEIntern API structure for the processing of information in the radio buffers
oCSECU_TYPESecurity information structure
oCsmart_answerSmart ack Learn Asnwer telegram datafield definition
|oCanswer_acknowledgeDatafiled structure for message Learn reply
|\Canswer_replyDatafiled structure for message Learn reply
oCSWI_AREAStructure to access configuration area
oCsys_ex_dataSys_ex datafield definition
|oC_dataDatafiled structer for data telegrams (IDX > 0)
|\CheaderDatafiled structer for header telegrams (IDX = 0)
oCTEL_PARAM_TYPETelegram parameter structure
|oCp_rxParam structure for received telegrams
|\Cp_txParam structure for transmitted telegrams
oCTEL_PARAM_TYPE2Telegram parameter structure for radio communication using ERP2 protocol
|oCp_rx2Param structure for received telegrams
|\Cp_tx2Param structure for transmitted telegrams
oCTEL_RADIO_TYPETelegram structure used for Radio transmission
|oCgp_single_rawGeneric profiles single telegram
|oCmsg_chainGeneric profiles chain telegram structures
|oCmsg_chain_0Generic profiles chain telegram stucture for the zero telegram
|oCsec_tiSecure teach-in telegram
|oCsigSignal radio telegram structure
|oCsm_lrn_ansSmart ack learn asnwer radio telegram structure
|oCsm_lrn_reqSmart ack learn request radio telegram structure
|oCsm_recSmart ack reclaim radio telegram structure
|oCsys_exSYS_EX radio telegram structure
|oCt4bs_tsys4BS/SYS radio telegram structure
|\Ctrps_t1bs_thrc_smart_reqRPS/1BS/HRC/smart_req radio telegram structure
oCTEL_RADIO_TYPE2Telegram structure used for radio communication using ERP2 protocol
|\Craw_TEL_RADIO_TYPE2Array representation of the telegram
oCTEL_SERIAL_TYPETelegram structure used for UART transmission - ESP2 protocol
|oCcmdRRT/TRT/RCT/TCT telegram structure
|\CrawSerial telegram byte without structure
\CTIMER_TYPESW timers structure