Node List

Node list offers the following functionality
Workspace for frequently used nodes
Move node from Unassigned to Workspace area and vice versa by double click.
List of received nodes
Transparent list of all received nodes with their basic attributes.
Currently selected node
The currently selected node has a blue background
Node is sending indicator
The animated icon visualizes node sending activity
Signal strength indicator
Radio signal strength level (dBm) depictive by signal bar and color.
Properties of selected node
Gives further information concerning the selected node and gives the user the possibility to quickly change properties.


Node List provides functionality to sort the network nodes. You can sort the nodes by:

NOTE: The sorting is applied only when device is added to the list. When e.g. the Signal Strength of the Node changes, the list is not re-sorted again. You have to click on the Sort -> Signal Strength menu to sort the Nodes again.