- EnOcean Equipment Profiles (EEP) are used to standardize the radio communication between devices. The EnOcean Equipment Profile is a unique identifier that describes the functionality of an EnOcean device irrespective of its vendor.
- Unique identification of serial telegram type.
- Unique identification of radio telegram type.
- Unique identification of radio telegram type. From now on S/RORG will replace ORG/CHOICE
- Unique identification of serial telegram type.
- EEP2
- EnOcean Equipment Profile version 2.
- EnOcean Radio Protocol
- ESP2
- EnOcean Serial Protocol version 2.
- ESP3
- EnOcean Serial Protocol version 3. Via ESP3 packets you can send CONTROL, RADIO, COMMAND, N/A packets.
- Frame
- Data transmitted between network points as a unit complete with necessary protocol control information.
- GP
- Generic Profiles (GP) are used to standardize the radio communication between devices. Generic Profiles enable devices to
have self-described dynamic communication
- Radio Telegram
- Data unit composed of several redundant subtelegrams. Radio telegram has the same structure and contains the same information as a subtelegram.
- Subtelegram
- It is the smallest interpreted data unit. It has an orthogonal structure with the fields of CHOICE/DATA/ID/STATUS/CHECKSUM
- Subtelegram timing
- The EnOcean subtelegram timing specifies the time area inside an EnOcean radio telegram when the subtelegrams are allowed to be sent after the first subtelegram began.
- Switch telegram
- Radio telegram with a structure that is not orthogonal to the subtelegram structure.