EnOcean celebrates milestone with Forbes Technology Council

Andreas Schneider, CEO of EnOcean, is celebrating his one-year anniversary as an expert member of the Forbes invitation-only community for executives leading their industry.

Munich – January 22, 2020

EnOcean uses the energy harvesting principle for its products, in which energy is obtained from the surroundings (motion, light and temperature differences) to power wireless switches and sensors for maintenance-free applications in the Internet of Things (IoT) for digitized buildings and intelligent LED lighting control as well as in smart homes. By using this technology, buildings reduce their CO2-footprint significantly. EnOcean is an experienced partner for hundreds of leading product manufacturers worldwide which rely on its established energy harvesting technology platform consisting of ultra-low power electronics, energy management, energy harvesters and ultra-low power radio. Depending on the application, the self-powered products use the international standards EnOcean (ISO/IEC 14543-3-1X), Zigbee or Bluetooth® for wireless communication.

Forbes Councils selects their members based on their depth and diversity of experience, who then are invited to share their insights and opinions on Forbes.com. Members have the opportunity to write business articles or submit short industry-related tips.

“We are so pleased to have Andreas Schneider entering year two as a member of Forbes Technology Council,” said Scott Gerber, founder and CEO of Forbes Councils. “Our mission with Forbes Councils is to bring together proven leaders from every industry, creating a curated, social capital-driven network that helps every member grow professionally and make an even greater impact on the business world, and Andreas Schneider is an important part of that community.”

As an accepted member of the Council, Andreas has access to a variety of exclusive opportunities designed to help him reach peak professional influence. Forbes Councils gives him a unique platform to connect and to collaborate with other respected local leaders in a private forum. Andreas has already shared his expert insights on data for the Internet of Things on Forbes.com.

“I’m very excited about entering my second year as expert of the Forbes Technology Council,” said Andreas Schneider, CEO of EnOcean. “I value the high quality exchange with other community members about topics such as energy harvesting and the Internet of Things. EnOcean also benefits from my membership because I’m able to gain different point of views on these issues and so am able to further cement our leadership role in our industry.”

For more information about Andreas Schneider on the Forbes Technology Council visit his executive profile.

About Forbes Councils

Forbes Councils is a collective of invitation-only communities created in partnership with Forbes and the expert community builders who founded Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC). In Forbes Councils, exceptional business owners and leaders come together with the people and resources that can help them thrive.

More information is available at www.forbescouncils.com.

About EnOcean

EnOcean GmbH is the pioneer of energy harvesting. Headquartered in Oberhaching, near Munich, the company delivers valuable data for the Internet of Things (IoT) with its resource-saving technology. For 20 years, EnOcean produces maintenance-free wireless switches and sensors, which gain their energy from the surrounding – from movement, light or temperature. The combination of miniaturized energy converters, ultra-low power electronics and robust radio technology based on open standards (EnOcean, Zigbee and Bluetooth®) forms the foundation for digitized buildings, services and production processes in the IoT. The self-powered solutions are used in building automation, smart homes, LED lighting control and industrial applications and thus help to optimize the CO2-footprint of buildings. As an innovation driver, EnOcean is a strong partner for more than 350 leading product manufacturers and has already succeeded more than a million buildings worldwide with energy harvesting solutions.

For more information, please visit www.enocean.de

Press Contacts

Janina Müller
EnOcean GmbH
T +49.89.67 34 689-57
M +49.160.97 82 85 61

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