EnOcean at electronica 2018: Greater range at the press of a button

New PTM 535 transmitter module with much greater range and enhanced security mechanisms for self-powered switch solutions for the consumer market, smart homes and industrial applications based on the EnOcean wireless standard

Oberhaching, October 25, 2018

At electronica 2018 (November 13 – 16, 2018, Messe München) EnOcean, world leader in energy harvesting wireless technology, will be presenting PTM 535, the latest generation of its transmitter modules for self-powered switch applications. Thanks to cutting-edge module technology, the PTM 535 is especially efficient. As a result, it reaches a much greater radio range with the energy supplied by the mechanical ECO 200 converter at the press of a button. Manufacturers can thus use the benefits of a self-powered, maintenance-free switch for new applications in the consumer market and industrial environments. The PTM 535 is part of Encean’s latest platform generation for self-powered wireless solutions based on the EnOcean wireless standard. This also includes the TCM 515 transceiver module with higher processing power, reduced energy consumption and smaller form factor. EnOcean shows both modules at the booths of its long-standing distribution partner HY-LINE Communication Products (Hall C3, Booth W23) as well as its new sales partner, RUTRONIK Elektronische Bauelemente (Hall C3, Booth 312). Additionally, self-powered solutions for intelligent lighting controls via Bluetooth® are also a part of EnOcean’s trade presence.

PTM 535 for great-range switch applications with the EnOcean wireless standard

With its new PTM 535 transmitter module, EnOcean has systematically further developed the optimum use of kinetic energy for self-powered wireless technology. It combines efficient energy management with great wireless performance. The PTM 535 can be connected to the ECO 200 energy converter via a contact spring, thus using only the pushbutton’s kinetic energy. It has four digital inputs that can be used to map up to four switching states. Each telegram transmits a one-time 32-bit ID, the polarity of the energy impulse and the operating state of the digital inputs.

„Thanks to its attractive price-performance ratio and easy integration into a housing, the PTM 535 permits cost-effective production – even of large series,” said Matthias Kassner, Vice President Product Marketing, EnOcean GmbH. „With the great-range PTM 535, the possible wireless switching applications are now practically unlimited. They go from industrial switches in car manufacturing to stop buttons in public buses to mini-switches that enable users to activate household appliances, for example, or place an emergency call.”

Security on demand

The PTM 535 also makes it possible to use enhanced security mechanisms. Transmitted telegrams can thus be encrypted and authenticated with modern security technologies, such as AES 128. This makes it possible to protect the recipient against forging of messages or replay attacks and prevent from eavesdropping attacks. The additional data security assists OEMs in the development of new applications for self-powered wireless switches, for example in warning sensor systems.

The PTM 535 is currently available for the EnOcean wireless standard (ISO/IEC 14543-3-1X) in the 868 MHz frequency (Europe and China). It is mechanically and functionally compatible with the existing PTM 330 and PTM 335 modules.

High-performance TCM 515 transceiver module for gateways

At the partner booths of HY-LINE (Hall C3, Booth W23) and RUTRONIK (Hall C3, Booth 312), EnOcean will also be demonstrating the new TCM 515 gateway module. It combines reduced energy consumption with higher processing power and a smaller form factor. The integrated security functionality allows encryption of the wireless communication. Additionally, the TCM 515 supports remote commissioning.

Investment in the EnOcean ecosystem

EnOcean’s new platform generation is also an important part of the growing EnOcean ecosystem. Therefore, at the partner booths, the EnOcean Alliance will be presenting the comprehensive possibilities of interoperable wireless solutions for intelligent buildings on the basis of the EnOcean wireless standard. The self-powered and flexible sensors deliver real-time data on, for example, temperature, humidity, room occupancy or light level for a demand-based, cost- and resource-efficient usage of buildings.

Self-powered Easyfit control solutions for Bluetooth® lighting systems

At the booths of the two partners, visitors to electronica 2018 will also find EnOcean’s self-powered Easyfit wall switches for Bluetooth® lighting systems. They enable maintenance-free, ready-to-use LED lighting control applications based on the energy harvesting technology from EnOcean. The self-powered and wireless Easyfit switches can be commissioned by Near Field Communication (NFC) and configured for simple or complex lighting scenes. The wireless Easyfit switches are maintenance-free as they do not require batteries, freely positionable and allow flexible control as well as intuitive usage. Numerous partners worldwide already use Easyfit Bluetooth® switches as part of their LED control systems. These include Fulham, Helvar, Sylvania, Casambi, Silvair, Vossloh-Schwabe Lighting Solutions, Wirepas and Xicato as well as Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company.

Additionally, EnOcean will be also presenting first prototypes of solar-based sensors for Bluetooth® lighting systems which, for example, deliver data on room occupancy or light level to LED controls via Bluetooth®.

Wireless Congress – presentations on energy harvesting wireless technology from EnOcean

At Wireless Congress, which takes place in parallel to electronica 2018, visitors to the show can get more information on different applications of EnOcean’s energy harvesting wireless technology by joining the following presentations in the course of “Session 04 – Energy Harvesting“ (Wednesday, November 14, 2018):

  • 11 am – “New Developments in Advanced Security for Energy Harvesting Wireless Systems” by Marian Hönsch, Product Manager, EnOcean GmbH, and Technical Task Group Leader, EnOcean Alliance
  • 11:30 am – “Energy-Harvesting in Zigbee 3.0” by Arasch Honarbacht, PhD, ubisys technologies GmbH
  • 2 pm – “Mesh Without Batteries? Energy Harvesting Devices for Bluetooth®” by Markus Kreitmair, Innovation and Senior Product Manager, EnOcean GmbH
  • 3 pm – “Energy Harvesting Solutions for Low Power Wide Area Network” by Graham Martin, Chairman and CEO, EnOcean Alliance

Further information on the program of the 15th Wireless Congress can be found here.

Über EnOcean

EnOcean ist der Pionier für Energy Harvesting und Sensor-to-Cloud-Lösungen für nachhaltige Internet of Things (IoT)-Anwendungen. Seit mehr als 20 Jahren stellt EnOcean wartungsfreie Funkschalter und Sensoren her, die ihre Energie aus der Umgebung gewinnen – aus Bewegung, Licht oder Temperaturänderungen. Die Kombination aus miniaturisierten Energiewandlern, Ultra-Low-Power-Elektronik, robuster Funktechnologie und offenen Multiprotokoll-Konnektivitätslösungen auf Basis offener Standards (EnOcean, Zigbee, Bluetooth®, BACnet, Modbus, LON und IAP) bildet die Grundlage für intelligente Gebäude, Dienstleistungen und Produktionsprozesse im IoT. Die nachhaltigen EnOcean-Lösungen werden in der Gebäudeautomation, in Smart Homes, bei der Steuerung von LED-Beleuchtung und in industriellen Anwendungen zur Optimierung des CO2-Fußabdrucks von Gebäuden eingesetzt. EnOcean ist ein starker Partner für mehr als 500 führende Produkthersteller und hat weltweit mehr als eine Million Gebäude realisiert.

Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie hier www.enocean.de


Simone Werner
EnOcean GmbH
T +49.89.67 34 689-58

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