EnOcean at AHR Expo 2023 – sustainable IoT solutions for HVAC

At the EnOcean Alliance booth #C5147, EnOcean, the pioneer of energy harvesting IoT devices and sensor-to-cloud solutions, will be demonstrating self-powered IoT solutions and its new SmartServer IoT for intelligent HVAC installations.

Salt Lake City, UT – January 17, 2023

At AHR Expo (February 6-8, Atlanta) manufacturers and suppliers from around the world come together to unveil the latest trends and innovations of HVAC technology. IoT expert EnOcean will present self-powered and maintenance-free sensor-to-cloud solutions that form the basis for a more (energy) efficient use in buildings and lower CO2 consumption.

At booth #C5147, EnOcean will demonstrate how the self-powered wireless sensors like the multisensor STM 550 and the SmartServer IoT work together to make buildings more energy-efficient, cost-effective and flexible.

The energy harvesting sensors from EnOcean, gathering energy from their surroundings like light, motion and temperature, form the foundation for smart buildings and intelligent HVAC solutions as they collect all necessary data. EnOcean’s new SmartServer IoT simplifies the integration of different building control products into building networks. So, information from the sensors and from already existing infrastructure such as heating, cooling, and lighting systems is sent directly into the same cloud for greater insights and better analytics. This not only helps companies to reduce the carbon footprint of their buildings but also results in an optimized use of building space and assets.

The prevailing energy crisis highlights the importance of sustainable and efficient solutions for the building sector to reduce energy consumption – especially as buildings account for 40% of the worldwide CO2 emissions. EnOcean’s sustainable IoT solutions pave the way for new and innovative ways to tackle this.

Find more information on AHR Expo at https://www.ahrexpo.com/.

About EnOcean

EnOcean GmbH is the pioneer of energy harvesting and sensor-to-cloud solutions for sustainable Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Headquartered in Oberhaching, near Munich, the company delivers valuable data for the sustainable IoT with its resource-saving technology and connectivity solutions. For more than 20 years, EnOcean has been producing maintenance-free wireless switches and sensors, which gain their energy from the surroundings – from movement, light, or temperature changes. The combination of miniaturized energy converters, ultra-low power electronics, robust radio technology, and open multi-protocol connectivity solutions based on open standards (EnOcean, Zigbee, Bluetooth®, BACnet, Modbus, LON, and IAP) forms the foundation for smart buildings, services, and production processes in the IoT. EnOcean’s sustainable solutions are used in building automation, smart homes, LED lighting control, and industrial applications to enable optimization of the CO2-footprint of buildings. As an innovation driver, EnOcean is a strong partner for more than 500 leading product manufacturers and has already completed more than a million buildings worldwide with energy harvesting and sustainable solutions.

For more information, please visit www.enocean.com

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Über EnOcean

EnOcean ist der Pionier für Energy Harvesting und Sensor-to-Cloud-Lösungen für nachhaltige Internet of Things (IoT)-Anwendungen. Seit mehr als 20 Jahren stellt EnOcean wartungsfreie Funkschalter und Sensoren her, die ihre Energie aus der Umgebung gewinnen – aus Bewegung, Licht oder Temperaturänderungen. Die Kombination aus miniaturisierten Energiewandlern, Ultra-Low-Power-Elektronik, robuster Funktechnologie und offenen Multiprotokoll-Konnektivitätslösungen auf Basis offener Standards (EnOcean, Zigbee, Bluetooth®, BACnet, Modbus, LON und IAP) bildet die Grundlage für intelligente Gebäude, Dienstleistungen und Produktionsprozesse im IoT. Die nachhaltigen EnOcean-Lösungen werden in der Gebäudeautomation, in Smart Homes, bei der Steuerung von LED-Beleuchtung und in industriellen Anwendungen zur Optimierung des CO2-Fußabdrucks von Gebäuden eingesetzt. EnOcean ist ein starker Partner für mehr als 500 führende Produkthersteller und hat weltweit mehr als eine Million Gebäude realisiert.

Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie hier www.enocean.de


Simone Werner
EnOcean GmbH
T +49.89.67 34 689-58

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