EnOcean and ASUS company AAEON partner to bring energy harvesting wireless technology to makers

The companies offer the makers community and software developers a comprehensive range of battery-less sensors and switches to easily and quickly develop self-powered smart home and Internet of Things applications using the UP board as a professional cont

Munich, Germany, November 18, 2015

EnOcean collaborates with AAEON (ASUS group) to bring self-powered applications to the new credit card size computer board UP for professional makers. The partnership of the world leader in energy harvesting wireless technology and the leading embedded computer specialist enables developers to realise interoperable battery-less wireless control solutions quickly to market. For this, selected energy harvesters, sensor modules, sample products as well as an adapter module for a seamless connectivity to the UP board via its GPIO interface are available. This goes hand in hand with a software developer kit (SDK) from BSC Computer GmbH.

AAEON, together with Emutex and Intel, recently launched UP, the credit card size computer board for the professional maker market, at Kickstarter. Integrating the Intel x5-Z8300 QuadCore 1.44Ghz (1.84 GHz) 64 bit 2W CPU, the powerful single board computer offers all features to develop applications such as robotics, smart home, education, digital signage, intelligent cars and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions – from the initial idea and prototyping to mass production.

Energy out of air

Combined with EnOcean-based energy harvesting wireless components, it opens up developers the world of self-powered wireless applications to developers. Miniaturised energy converters power wireless modules using the energy directly from their surroundings — from motion, light or temperature. These modules enable makers to develop a broad range of self-powered, maintenance-free products and applications, requiring no wiring or cabling. This results in highly flexible control products for a huge variety of automation purposes including smart home and IoT.

Interoperable approach

The EnOcean technology comes with another core benefit for a quick time to market: using the international wireless standard ISO/IEC 14543-3-1X and unified application profiles, all EnOcean-based products are interoperable.

“With the UP adapter module, makers get access to the huge, established EnOcean ecosystem of 1,500 professional installation products. Thus, they can choose interoperable solutions from several hundred suppliers. The EnOcean components available for the UP community, together with the smart home SDK from the EnOcean partner BSC, demonstrate this seamless connectivity of solutions from different vendors. All using the same basis technology, the combination provides the perfect entrance to simply develop first wireless and battery-less smart home solutions and to expand it at any time,” says Andreas Schneider, Chief Marketing Officer and Co-Founder, EnOcean GmbH.

“Via the UP community, makers have access to all needed features and support to realise their product ideas easily and quickly. That way, we make sure that they don’t need to stop at prototype status but can bring their applications to mass production. The partnership with EnOcean allows us to offer the UP community the perfect developer platform for smart home and different kinds of IoT applications,” says Fabrizio Del Maffeo, UP project founder and Managing Director of AAEON Europe.

Über EnOcean

EnOcean ist der Pionier für Energy Harvesting und Sensor-to-Cloud-Lösungen für nachhaltige Internet of Things (IoT)-Anwendungen. Seit mehr als 20 Jahren stellt EnOcean wartungsfreie Funkschalter und Sensoren her, die ihre Energie aus der Umgebung gewinnen – aus Bewegung, Licht oder Temperaturänderungen. Die Kombination aus miniaturisierten Energiewandlern, Ultra-Low-Power-Elektronik, robuster Funktechnologie und offenen Multiprotokoll-Konnektivitätslösungen auf Basis offener Standards (EnOcean, Zigbee, Bluetooth®, BACnet, Modbus, LON und IAP) bildet die Grundlage für intelligente Gebäude, Dienstleistungen und Produktionsprozesse im IoT. Die nachhaltigen EnOcean-Lösungen werden in der Gebäudeautomation, in Smart Homes, bei der Steuerung von LED-Beleuchtung und in industriellen Anwendungen zur Optimierung des CO2-Fußabdrucks von Gebäuden eingesetzt. EnOcean ist ein starker Partner für mehr als 500 führende Produkthersteller und hat weltweit mehr als eine Million Gebäude realisiert.

Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie hier www.enocean.de


Simone Werner
EnOcean GmbH
T +49.89.67 34 689-58

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