EnOcean accepted into Forbes Technology Council

Andreas Schneider, CEO of EnOcean, is now an expert member in the Forbes invitation-only community for world-class CIOs, CTOs, and technology executives.

Munich – May 14, 2019

EnOcean products use the energy harvesting principle, in which energy is obtained from the surroundings (motion, light and temperature differences) to power wireless switches and sensors for maintenance-free applications in the Internet of Things (IoT) for digitized buildings, in smart homes and for intelligent LED lighting control. EnOcean is an experienced partner for hundreds of leading product manufacturers worldwide which rely on its established energy harvesting technology platform consisting of energy harvesters, ultra-low power electronics, energy management and ultra-low power radio. Depending on the application, the self-powered products use the international standards EnOcean (ISO/IEC 14543-3-1X), Zigbee or Bluetooth® for wireless communication.

Criteria for acceptance into the Forbes Technology Council include a track record of successfully impacting business growth metrics, as well as personal and professional achievements and honors.

“We are honored to welcome Andreas Schneider into the community,” said Scott Gerber, founder of Forbes Councils, the collective that includes Forbes Technology Council. “Our mission with Forbes Councils is to bring together proven leaders from every industry, creating a curated, social capital-driven network that helps every member grow professionally and make an even greater impact on the business world.”

As an accepted member of the Council, Andreas has access to a variety of exclusive opportunities designed to help him reach peak professional influence. He will connect and collaborate with other respected local leaders in a private forum. Andreas will also be invited to work with a professional editorial team to share his expert insights in original business articles on Forbes.com, and to contribute to published Q&A panels alongside other experts.

Finally, EnOcean will benefit from exclusive access to vetted business service partners, membership-branded marketing collateral, and the high-touch support of the Forbes Councils member concierge team.

“I’m very excited about being accepted into the Forbes Technology Council of industry leading experts,” said Andreas Schneider, CEO of EnOcean. “This platform gives a great insight into the technology trends of today and tomorrow and is a barometer of our future life. I’m delighted about my invitation to this community of innovative minds and looking forward to an inspiring exchange, contributing our more than 15 years of experience in energy harvesting wireless technology.”

About Forbes Councils

Forbes Councils is a collective of invitation-only communities created in partnership with Forbes and the expert community builders who founded Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC). In Forbes Councils, exceptional business owners and leaders come together with the people and resources that can help them thrive. For more information about Forbes Technology Council, visit forbestechcouncil.com. To learn more about Forbes Councils, visit forbescouncils.com.

Über EnOcean

EnOcean ist der Pionier für Energy Harvesting und Sensor-to-Cloud-Lösungen für nachhaltige Internet of Things (IoT)-Anwendungen. Seit mehr als 20 Jahren stellt EnOcean wartungsfreie Funkschalter und Sensoren her, die ihre Energie aus der Umgebung gewinnen – aus Bewegung, Licht oder Temperaturänderungen. Die Kombination aus miniaturisierten Energiewandlern, Ultra-Low-Power-Elektronik, robuster Funktechnologie und offenen Multiprotokoll-Konnektivitätslösungen auf Basis offener Standards (EnOcean, Zigbee, Bluetooth®, BACnet, Modbus, LON und IAP) bildet die Grundlage für intelligente Gebäude, Dienstleistungen und Produktionsprozesse im IoT. Die nachhaltigen EnOcean-Lösungen werden in der Gebäudeautomation, in Smart Homes, bei der Steuerung von LED-Beleuchtung und in industriellen Anwendungen zur Optimierung des CO2-Fußabdrucks von Gebäuden eingesetzt. EnOcean ist ein starker Partner für mehr als 500 führende Produkthersteller und hat weltweit mehr als eine Million Gebäude realisiert.

Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie hier www.enocean.de


Simone Werner
EnOcean GmbH
T +49.89.67 34 689-58

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